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The TRUEBLOOD froum was made by occasion of the TRUEBLOOD group from Facebook


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 New nicknames

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Nicole Talley Northman
Nicole Talley Northman

Broj postova : 30
Join date : 2009-08-18
Age : 34
Favorite character : Jessica, Eggs (hot) and Eric (hot, hot)
Favorite Tv show : TB (ofc), GG's, The Skins...

New nicknames Empty
PostSubject: New nicknames   New nicknames I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 12:35 pm

In case you wanna change your nickname (no matter what reason is that you're changing it) all you need is to send the message to one of two admins (Alina or me).

  • And then you just have to post your new nickname - so others would recognise you.
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