
The TRUEBLOOD froum was made by occasion of the TRUEBLOOD group from Facebook


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The TRUEBLOOD froum was made by occasion of the TRUEBLOOD group from Facebook


When you register you will find out everything about TRUEBLOOD and have fun with other members!!!
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 Forum rules

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Nicole Talley Northman
Nicole Talley Northman

Broj postova : 30
Join date : 2009-08-18
Age : 34
Favorite character : Jessica, Eggs (hot) and Eric (hot, hot)
Favorite Tv show : TB (ofc), GG's, The Skins...

Forum rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum rules   Forum rules I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 7:16 pm

On forum it's forbidden:

  • Insulting members, intentionally provoking them on a personal level
  • Disturbing the work of the editorial board of Forum (ignoring the alerts, restoring deleted texts, etc.)
  • Using clones while any of the accounts have been banned from forum, or using multiple accounts in a way that confuses the other users (the debate on the same topic with more than nicks, agreement with private arguments ...)

Opening the topics:

  • While you are opening new topic, you should pay attention on the following:

*Before opening a new topic, you should check whether this topic already exist as the topic wouldn’t be duplicate. – Or ask the admins if that topic exists.
*The Topic should be concrete and have a precise name.
  • To name a topic there would be no need to write only in capital letters or use the repeated signs in order to attract attention, e.g. !!!!!????----_____
  • Check out the forum to be sure to start a topic in the right part of the forum, or if you are not sure ask admins to help you.


  • PLEASE avoid misunderstandings, as much as possible.
  • Write in a friendly tone!
  • If you are quoting the big message, quote only the important parts of the message
  • Private conversations are not preferable. For them, use PM or e-mail.


  • Try for your signature to be as short as they could be. Max 5 rows and not with big size of the letters.
  • Try not to put to big images in the signature.
  • If you want to put a link, PLEASE, before that ask us (admins) for permission, and specify the reason why.

In case you have any problems with registration or anything else, you can contact us at: trueblood.global@gmail.com
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